Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Arrangement of the Quran


Module 1

A. The Classical View

Section I: Divisions of the Quran

i. Initial Format
a. Verses
b. Surahs
ii. Later Format
a. Divisions regarding the Meaning
b. Divisions regarding Memorization

Section II: Nazm (Order and Arrangement)

i. The Advocates
a. Nazm as ‘Word Meaning Relationship’
b. Nazm as ‘Linear Connection’
ii. The Adverseries

Section III: Makkan and Madinan Division

Module 2

B. The Contemporary View

Section I: General Introduction to the Quranic Nazm

Section II: Group Nazm

i. Description
ii. Features
a. Central Theme
b. Description of the Prophetic Mission
c. Makkan and Madinan Surahs
d. Surah Pairs
1. Brevity and Detail
2. Principle and Illustration
3. Different Types of Evidence
4. Unity of Opposites
5. Premise and Conclusion
iii. Sequence

Section III: Surah Nazm

i. Central Theme
ii. Addressees
iii. Subdivisions
iv. Progression

a. Parallelism
b. Affinity
c. Parables
d. Parenthetical Sentences
e. Reminder and Admonition
f. Return to the Origin


Appendix A. Nazm of Group II
Appendix B. Nazm of Surah Nisa

Appendix C. View of the Orientalists

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